You can find here projects where I composed musics.
Description : It's a game inspired by "Sokoban", a game where the goal is to push boxes at a specific place to end the level.
Links : You can find the download link here : Game, the official website here : Website, and a french presentation here : Presentation
Work : Creation of all musics (game theme, menu, etc).
Description : It's a game which was produce during the Jam "Ludum Dare 44".
Links : You can find the download link here : Game a link to the developper portfolio here : Portfolio and his twitter here : Twitter
Work : Creation of all musics (game theme, menu, etc).
Description : It's a game which was produce during the Jam "4MB Jam 2023".
Links : You can find the download link here : Game
Work : Creation of the music of the game.
Description : It's a platform game where you have to lead the hero (a cat) as far as you can.
Links : You can find the presentation here : Presentation and a download link : Game
Work : Composition of the main theme, and also some variations of it (jungle, flute et game). After that, creation of songs for the beginning of levels, because each level start with a cat in black and white, and it got colors as the gamer forward in the level.
Description : It's a french fan-game of Pokemon based on graphics of the 2nd generation made with RPG Maker and with the Starter Kit Pokemon Script Project made by Krosk. The game include the 5 first generations and their worlds + a exclusive world !
Link : You can find the presentation here : Presentation
Work : The game want to be old school, so the music have to be too. This is why I used the software FamiTracker to made 8 bits musics.
Description : It's a independent french Visual Novel developed by YouMadBroom. The game tells us the story of Jonathan, a amnesiac took in by 2 young womens in a little town. The game features 4 main characters with 2 routes separate in 4 acts with 4 possible ends.
Link : You can find the presentation here : Presentation and the link for the game here Game
Work : Visuals Novels only use instrumental musics, mostly calm. My compositions are fully adapted to this kind of project, so the development team just had to pick on my compositions.